A Legendary Hostel in The Making
This changes everything – After the opening of Sant Jordi Hostels’ Rock Palace the world of international hosteling will never be the same again.
We are setting a benchmark, developing a standard, drawing a line in the sand and saying,
“gone are the days of hostel dorms designed for economy alone.”
A hostel is no longer just a hostel – it is a place that will change your life: a place to meet interesting people from around the world (maybe even your future wife/husband – it has happened), a place to form new opinions and develop new ideas, a place to change your world view, and most importantly, a place where you will feel at home. A hostel should always be a place that provides budget accommodation. But, it should do it with style.
Our latest project, the Sant Jordi Hostel Rock Palace, is in its final stage. After stripping the building down to almost nothing and renovating from the ground up, it’s exciting to see all the details start to come together. We are beginning to see our creation take shape and we can’t wait for the final product! It is going to be the coolest Barcelona Hostel yet!
We braved the construction site to get a few pictures of the final stages of this monumental project. Enjoy!